Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I swear it's just an iron-on officer

First thing I did to the t-shirt was an iron-on transfer.  I like skulls for I figured I'd start there. I scanned in a skull that was printed on a mini reuseable tote I got from Hot Topic.  I sized it up on PhotoShop, reversed the image, and printed it out on iron-on printer transfer sheets for an ink jet printer by Transfermations.  Basically it came out looking like this...
Apparently I heated it with iron too long making the "white" areas yellowish.  Blah...and honestly I don't like the plastic-y look of it. Also it doesn't do well with stretchy material...
I don't know how it handles being washed yet, but so far it cracks when stretched.  From afar it looks OK, but up close I think it looks like shit.  Well that's why it's a practice t-shirt.
They do make transfer papers for stretchy material, so perhaps I'll try that eventually cause crack is whack....
All in all the iron-on transfer paper really easy process. The hardest thing is figuring out what to print!

In an unrelated note, South Park is doing an Ancient Aliens episode tonight where all the Pilgrims were aliens.  The only thing missing it the guy with the crazy hair. Oh damn and now they miraculously mixed Thor in there!

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